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Define Your Jawline Today

Chin & Jowls

As time goes by, for many of us the skin on our face can become loser and fat begins to develop under our chins. However all of this is treatable here at Ultimate Body Sculpting.  At the majority of clinics clients are required to book a course of a specific treatment such as HiFu, Radio Frequency or Cavitation, however here at Ultimate Body Sculpting we take a different approach.

Following your personal consultation, we will develop a treatment plan that combines multiple treatments to give you the very best possible results in the shortest possible time span. 

Using a combination of Liquid Lipo, HiFu and Radio Frequency treatment we are able to quickly remove unwanted fat and tighten your skin you give you a beautifully defined chin and jaw line. 

Our treatments a quick and painless and we offer a completely free consultation service so that we can discuss your concerns and objectives before you commit to any treatment protocols. 

For more information, schedule your in person or online consultation now. 

What's Involved?

Following your free consultation we will develop a personalised treatment plan that is designed to specifically meet your concerns and objectives and that is designed to give you the best possible outcome. 

Although all treatment plans vary, the majority are based over 4-6 sessions and involve a combination of the following services:

Liquid Lipo  – The revolutionary Liquid Lipo Treatment releases fat from within their cells which is then removed from the body via the lymphatic system.  Liquid Lipo is particularly effective for removing fat from below the chin. 

HiFu Cool – Our wonderful HiFu Cool machine provides a painless targeted treatment in just minutes.  HiFu stimulates collagen and elastin production from deep within the skin and helps to tighten the skin to smooth our wrinkles and fine lines. 

Radio Frequency Treatment – long regarded as one of the best treatments available to tighten skin, Radio Frequency is used to help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles particularly on areas of the face where there is less muscle and tissue.

Lymphatic Drainage (Pressotherapy) Suit – A ‘puffy’ face or bloated feeling can often be caused by poor circulation within your lymphatic system.  Additionally, the fat that we will release with our other treatments will also need to be removed via this same system and therefore we utilise a state of the are Lymphatic Drainage suit to help with this process.

Clients simply put on the suit, lie back and relax whilst the suit does its work. 

Book Your Free Consultation Now