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Liquid Lipo Topical 250ml – Free Delivery


During 3000 clinical trials, over 99.95% of people have successfully lost fat with LIQUID LIPO

We are delighted to introduce Liquid Lipo here at Ultimate Body Sculpting.

Key Features:

  • Decongestant
  • Fat Burning*
  • Balances Water Levels
  • Secretes Trapped Lymph Fluid
  • Reported Subcutaneous Fat Loss

A 250ml bottle contains enough product for 20 areas/applications.

Please note that in order to ensure your suitability for this product, an online consultation is required before products are dispatched.
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Liquid Lipo is a revolutionary, Clinically Proven product that will remove fat from within your body.

How It Works

Liquid Lipo is applied directly to the body areas where you want to remove the excess fat.  Common areas include your stomach, arms, bum and thighs.

Your skin will then absorb the Liquid Lipo Gel and it will pass down into your subcutaneous tissue where it will begin to break down and shrink stubborn fat cells.

Even with a heathy diet and active lifestyle, these deep fat cells have always been difficult to remove, but with the help of Liquid Lipo we are able to specifically target the problem areas so that you can lose inches from specific areas of your body.

Clinical Trial

Researchers used 100 participants in a double-blind independent measures test. 50% received a placebo. 50% received Liquid Lipo. In every test conducted, 95+% participants had lower fat levels following drinking / flushing with 2 litres. However the placebo ONLY reduced water levels – NOT FAT in 99.99% of the participants. Over 3,000 clients, or participants in trials have received LIQUID LIPO treatment with 95% successfully losing fat

Topical Fat Dissolve Cream

Key Features:

  • Decongestant
  • Fat Burning*
  • Balances Water Levels
  • Secretes Trapped Lymph Fluid
  • Reported Subcutaneous Fat Loss

A 250ml bottle contains enough product for 20 areas/applications.

Comes with how to apply and Pre/After Care information plus a handy tape measure, exfoliant mit and measuring chart.

NOTE: This product is for loose, soft pinch-able fat, wobbly fat and cellulite (subcutaneous fat under the skin). For hard visceral fat, lipomas you will need Thermogenesis (must be used in clinic first to assess suitability) or Thermolite. If you are unsure which type of fat you have, please email me before purchasing any products.